Famous in its beaches, Bantayan Island is located at the west off the northern tip of Cebu. If you are a beach lover and would like to unwind somewhere away from the city, then you surely would love this place. Enjoy the photos o_0
– Santa Fe Church –

– This is what you will mostly see while on the road. I took the photos while exploring the entire island. It will only take you 2 hour or less to see the whole island. –

– View from the beach. This is exactly in front of the resort. –

– This is on the south part. Same beaches though but this one is open for public. –

While trying to capture the kids playing at the beach, boom!, got this one. This is one of my favorite shots. Can you tell why?

– Kota Park in Madridejos –

– And the only thing that I don’t want to miss when visiting a place for the first time is to visit a church. –
Bantayan Church

xoxo! 🙂