Why being a Stay-At-Home-Mom is not good

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It is never my plan to become a SAHM (stay at home mom) nor imagined it when I was pregnant. I always wanted to go back to a corporate world after giving birth. Everything has changed though the moment I held my son. I wanted to be there for him every second of the day. I never wanted to lose sight of him. I wanted to be there for him every time he needs me. That’s also the day I decided to stay at home.

It’s never easy. Sometimes I feel so small and jealous whenever I saw friends’ posts on facebook about their weekend travels, their barkadaΒ night outs, their office lives, and their holiday plans. I don’t even feel like going out meeting people because they will only keep on asking the same thing all over again. When do you plan to stop breastfeeding your child? When do you plan to work? What do you do at home? And a lot more. The worst thing is, people think that being a SAHM means living a comfortable, cozy and easy life! Uhh! I wish they know.Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because cleaning the house means giving my child an idea to mess around. There will be times too that while trying to arrange everything especially toys, my son is following me also trying to put them out of place.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me becauseΒ most of the time I cook while carrying my little one. There are times too that I’m nursing him while I’m eating.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because peeing and pooping are almost impossible without an audience.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because even when I’m sick, I can’t be sick.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because I almost can’t enjoy shower time because someone is waiting. Most of the time I bath with my son. Brushing my hair becomes the last option as well.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because even when I don’t usually know what to do when my son is sick, I become a good nurse. Waking up in the middle of the night to comfort him becomes a habit too even when you still have bunches of household chores to do the next morning.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because sleeping early and sleeping enough becomes an unreachable dream especially when LO is still wide awake even if it’s close to midnight already.

Being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because I work 24/7 with no day off, no break time, no sick or vacation leave, and no salary!

Most of all, being a SAHM is not good and easy for me because of all these things I do I’m still questioned what kind of a mother I am.

Why being a SAHM is not good? Because it’s awesome. Yes, it’s A W E S O M E! Β And I’d like to brag that SAHM for me means SUPER AWESOME HOMEMAKER MOM! I am proud and happy for choosing this path. It’s all worth it. Nothing really beats being a mother. That travel thing others are enjoying will soon come to me, the best thing when it comes is I’d be traveling` with my son, I’d be enjoying things with myΒ son. And I can’t wait for that to happen. Crossing fingers.

One more thing, don’t be a stay-at-home-mom if you can’t be awesome! xo.


  1. Salute to you! Being a stay at home mom is one of the toughest things to do. You’re children don’t realize how lucky they are.

  2. It really is awesome. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made and once I did it, I never looked back.

  3. I take my hat off to you! It’s so hard. I have two little girls and have recently gone back full time and working is much easier! I agree with you about being sick. That made me smile. No sick days as a SAHM!

  4. Your baby is just adorable! I do not have kids, but I do understand that being a SAHM is a very hard job! Looks like you are doing an amazing job!

  5. I have a love hate with being a SAHM. I actually did not become one by choice, but by layoff. I love being home with the kids, but sometimes I miss my work life.

  6. I am grateful that I can be a SAHM. My husband is in the military and if I had a job, I’d never see him with his crazy schedule. It wasn’t worth it to us to have extra income to never see each other. With a proper budget, we can make one income work, and it allows me to be with the kids.

  7. That’s really cool that you have grown to love being a stay at home mom. And I know it can be difficult at times but when we see our children’s growth it’s all worth it.

  8. Its difficult but so worth it. I know it may not seem like it now, but trust me, later on you will look back and have tones of memories and be bonded with your kids.

  9. I very much admire anyone who chooses to be a stay at home mum because they are selfless, dedicated and maternal and that is the greatest quality a mother could have. Keep being you!

  10. People should really stop questioning stay at home moms about their lifestyle choice. Just because they don’t see what’s going on at home doesn’t mean that woman is doing absolutely nothing. They have the most important jobs, to be honest. It’s never easy to maintain a home and raise a family!

  11. Sauumye Chauhan Reply

    I agree!! Being a SAHM is not at all easy!! It is so much work !!

  12. I’m also a SAHM and I can completely relate to this! Definitely one of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs I have embarked on.

  13. What a wonderful post and so motivating and encouraging. I don’t think I could be a SAHM but you never know until the baby has arrived! Your boy looks super cute btw πŸ™‚

  14. I have a love-hate relationship with being a stay at home mom. I love the time I get to spend with my son. Being able to watch every single milestone. Being able to watch him learn every single day is truly amazing. Having to hear all the ignorant questions not so much. For some reason, people think being a stay at home mom means we do nothing all day but play. If only that was the truth.

  15. wow!I love this post.It is like I wrote all my ideas.Yes,I also a SAHM who left my engineering career and now I know work at office is comfortable than taking care of the kid full day.There are days I wait till my husband comes home to have a bath πŸ™‚ And,yes I cant be sick although I am sick.I also used to cook while carrying my baby.It is full of struggles… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. That’s the spirit! Stay-at-home or back in the corporate world, both have one thing in common. The grass is greener over in the next pasture. In that sense, whichever direction you chose to go, and currently being SAHM, there will always be things you wish for. But being out in the corporate world, you would also have the same thoughts on other stay-at-home moms.

    But the best thing you did? You embraced it and yes, be awesome!

  17. jaear paguio Reply

    At first, I was like “it’s not good?” I mean it’s not easy but definitely AWESOME like what you said at the end. I’m quite thankful that my wife also decided to become a stay at home mom and waited for our kids to grow a bit first before finally deciding to come back in the corporate world. ^_^ Happy to hear that you get to enjoy your life with your kids at home.

  18. Admirable! Glad that you’ve loved being a stay at home mom. It’s really hard coz you know both worlds. Mom’s struggles and sacrifices are immeasurable labor of love. It cannot be generalized and shouldn’t be judged.

  19. I feel you!!! I’m a stay-at-home mom myself, and I definitely understand the struggle. And yes, I am proud to be one! We are AWESOME!

  20. Aaaaw, I love the new meaning you gave SAHM. I’m scared of being one actually but I know I’ll have to face the same choice in the future! XD

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