I talk, I think, I write!

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I admit I am talkative. Oh no, not literally. Yes, I talk too much but my mind does the job, not my mouth. And more often than  not, my pen helps the talking.

I love writing. It’s already part of my life since I was young (I’m still young though :D). It’s like, it gives me life that is not just for me. I remember back in my high school years; role plays, school activities: I wrote for it. Friends, classmates, family, lovers; I wrote love messages for them. I write whatever that interests me. I believe writing is one way to best express oneself. And yes it is! It always is.  Unlike well – mentioned words, writing is permanent. And it’s not just about being happy or sad, about having friends or enemies, or having a complete family. But rather, what you write usually reflects on what you are, what you feel, and how you think.
I am writing because writing is my best friend. I am writing because I am comfortable with it. I am writing because I am happy with it. I am writing because it feels relieving. Most importantly, I am writing because this has been my LIFE.

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