Your Skin at Every Age

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Aging isn’t a bad thing. In fact, birthdays are great. What’s important is to have a healthy looking skin no matter what age we are. Our face will go through changes and aging is one of that. But there are also ways to prevent premature aging.

So what really happens to our skin in our 20s, 30s, and 40s and how to keep it looking healthy?

In our 20s

Acne –  even if this wasn’t an issue as a teenage, many will experience this. Pimples will appear on the lower face and particularly along the jawline.

To treat this, any products with Niacinamide can be used, like Myra Vitawhite Facial Wash, to even out any red blotches and add radiance to the skin. Myra Vitawhite facial wash also has Vitamin E beads which protect and nourish the skin for a healthy glow, and Biowhite Complex which derived from plant extracts that gently whiten the skin in as early as 7 days.dscn4073

Taking care of our skin at this stage will determine how much damage our skin will have in our 30s and 40s. Products with Vitamin E are great to keep our skin supple and youthful.

In our 30s

Uneven skin tone with broken blood vessels and sun spots, as well as fine lines and crow’s feet, will be more noticeable at this stage. This is actually the decade when our lifestyle habits from the past start to show on our face.

Women’s big concern during the thirties is hyperpigmentation such as melasma or brown patches that often occur on the forehead, cheeks, and chin. It’s usually a result of too much sun exposure but it can also be caused by a change in hormones.That is why it’s important to wear sunscreen or use products with Vitamin E to protect our skin from sun’s harmful rays.

In our 40s

Our skin will start to get drier at this age, which may mean more prominent lines and wrinkles.

Counter this with a high-quality moisturizer to help improve hydration. Anything with peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid will gradually correct darks spots and brighten the skin as well. We should take care of our skin with Vitamin E products to boost collagen production and prevent wrinkles.





  1. This is very informative. I am in my 40s and I know exactlly what you mean by drier skin and uneveninh skin tones. I am now spend more time taking care of my skin.

  2. I notice uneven skin tone on my skin so it is normal pala but of course, I need to prevent it. I need to use sunscreen na kahit di summer. 🙂

  3. Taking good care of the skin is vital as taking good care of our health.. for the love of skin we must be willing to invest too in good products and religiously commit time for it!

  4. I am in my late 20s and I still have acne 🙁 Looks like I need to try that Myra Vitawhite Facial wash!

  5. I got scared that by age 40s, my skin is about to get drier because I can feel that my face is already dry! And I am only in my 20s. 🙁 I use Myra-E’s facial moisturizer to avoid flaky face whenever I put on face powder, though. But I think I have to take skincare more seriously then.

  6. Bring it on age! I’m ready for uneven skin tone! lol! I’m turning 28 this December so palapit ng palapit sa kalendaryo talaga! ♥ The movie “The Age of Adeline” gave me a completely different meaning to aging. It taught me to embrace aging as it’s part of my life.

  7. I actually not used to care about my skin at all sides, maybe because I dance with the clinging heat of the sun most of the time. But just after reading your very informative blog post, this made me change my mind. Great article!

  8. I didn’t bother with skin care regimens until this year! I am in my late 20s and I started noticing that my skin wasn’t as smooth and elastic as it was before so I kinda panicked haha. Now I’m practising a regular skin care regimen na. Prevention is better than cure!

  9. I really should start. My hormones had been hard on me after pregnancy. I’m just 28 but i’m worried for my skin in the coming years na.

  10. I hope the sun protection of my BB or CC cream is enough because it will surely feel too heavy if I put on sunscreen before make up my BB or CC creams. When I’m at home I use spf 15 sunscreen, waaah, I really wish I’d still have good skin in my 30s and 40s.

  11. My mom would often tell me to put sunscreen everytime I go out. She would keep reminding me that the sign of aging may not be too evident as of today but time will come that I would be sorry for being too uncaring on my skin. This all the more pushes me to really do something.

  12. A user of Myra E, here. I just love how mild the product is and oh now they have facial wash. Will surely try soon.

  13. “Aging isn’t a bad thing.” – I super love it!

    Anyway, I never go out with my trusty sunblock from Belo. I love Myra E as my moisturizer and lotion.

  14. I’m also a Myra user but I use the other variant. I’ve become more concerned with taking better care of my skin during the past year coz I’m turning 40 already in a few years time.

  15. I’m currently using Myra E moisturiser and their body lotion. I’ll check this facial wash out Mommy 🙂

  16. I’m super guilty of sometimes neglecting my skin. I’m in my 30s and I know for a fact that I need to be serious and stick to a tested skin regimen na.

  17. I’m in my 40’s, I wasn’t skin conscious so I was expecting the worst in this season in my life (I’m 40). Thank God the dryness and all that only comes when I haven’t slept so well. But yeah, I do encounter problems on my face nowadays that I’ve never had to deal with in my younger years. The Myra brand didn’t work for me, though, I tried it before, just another product. The Oil of Olay brand works for me.

  18. Our skin really is something that we should take care of. I tried Myra before and the supplement is okay, can’t take it pa lang again kasi I am still breastfeeding.

  19. The advantage of oily skin is seen as one grows older. The oil may cause pimples when you are younger, but will keep your skin supple when you grow older.

  20. Our skin changes with environment, age and hormonal change. This is definitely true, changing our skin care products according to your age! I’m not sure if that product is available here, but thanks for introducing!

  21. Before, I really have bad skin, I had bad acne and I’d splurge on make up to cover the blemishes and pimples. Then, I learned what works for my skin and I focused more on skin care.

  22. We cannot avoid aging but can prolong it for sure. We have to take care of your skin.

  23. Yes, after reach 25 years old I can notice my skin wasn’t like before.
    It seem like lack of elasticity and collagen. I need to take good care of my skin in order to look healthy and young.

  24. Ma.Me.Mi.Mommy Reply

    Oh, I’m so lazy when it comes to skin care. Thanks to posts like this that reminds me that I have to step up my game when it cones to skin care.

  25. Facials are my weak points, I don’t get to do it that often because I feel shouldn’t wet my face after long hours of computer use. But yes, looking young will need proper maintenance.

  26. Myra was really successful in penetrating the market. I think most women know the brand even if they are not using it. Guess it’s a great product to trick your age. 🙂

  27. My skin is prone to sun spots 🙁
    Will try Myra Facial Wash since I am also “hiyang” to Myra powder.

  28. This is true…when I turned 30, I observed a lot of changes on my skin especially unevenness. I then started looking for beauty products with vit e and good thing Myra has a lot to offer…

  29. Elizabeth O. Reply

    You’ll definitely feel how much your skin changes as you age especially if you don’t have a good skin care routine. I think it’s important to have a routine as soon as you become a teenager, it will definitely slow down the aging process that your skin goes through.

  30. I agree. you must take care of your skin and you must start at a young age! i use myra too, i remember doing a review on this just last year. i love the smell too!

  31. I’m 33 and wrinkles under my eyes is starting to become visible. I think need to start putting a daily beauty routines to delay aging. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Thanks for sharing, late for me to realize din how to take good care of my skin pero okay na din maghabol ng moisturizer

  33. This was really helpful, I am in the late 20’s stage and luckily haven’t had too many problems along the jawline so far, but my skin seems to vary from month to month. It definitely important to begin learning about and dealing with our skin from a young age. Thankyou for sharing this.

  34. I never did care much about my skin and do not even wear makeup. But, I think I should start taking care of it already. Plus, I love backpacking and hiking under the heat of the sun so my skin really takes a lot of “beating”. I certainly do not want to get skin cancer!

  35. WOOOAH! This made me realize that skin care is important. Although I usually put on lotion on a daily basis, I still did not care on what kind of product to choose. Thanks for giving me a tip. 🙂

  36. Never had a skin care routine except for washing my face before sleeping. Well, thank you for this post. I am already 24 years old and I have to take care of my skin! 🙂

  37. I never really cared much about my skin until now that I’m almost 30. I became extra conscious about my skin – and careful too in using products 🙂

  38. I’m grateful that I look young for my age, but in my twenties I was not as careful with the sun. I tanned in tanning booths. 🙁 I’m way more careful now and care more the health of my skin than being pasty white…it doesn’t even bother me anymore. What I wish I could change are my freckles. I dislike them tons!

  39. I’m still in my twenties but I feel like I should be taking care of my skin more now. Prevention rather than curing is the key!

  40. We can’t lie to our skin. I’m getting old, so I have to be really careful and try the best products for my skin type.

  41. I always had really great skin, and when people always asked what I do. I always said nothing because that really was the truth, i had no special products . But as I’m getting older i noticed dryer and more damaged skin. This is helpful thanks!

  42. Great information! I noticed recently, now that I am in my 30s, my skin slowly changing. I am always looking for things to keep my youthful glow! 🙂

  43. Karlyn Cruz Reply

    This is such an brilliant tips! I’m in 30’s and I never failed my skincare especially on my face.

  44. I’m starting to see spots on my face. I”m mildly alarmed. 🙂

  45. This looks great! I have found some great anti-aging products and they make me feel wonderful.

  46. Sarah Bailey Reply

    Aging is definitely not a bad thing. When you can find great products like this it’s even easier.

  47. I’m 25 and i’ve noticed a shift in my skin in the past year. It’s a lot more dry now. I definitely need to take close care of it.

  48. Great insight and products shared. I love that you touched on each age bracket, it appeals to a variety of demographics & also promotes healthy skin.

  49. This is a nice information and reminder to many ( maybe not only women). Taking care of our skin would be a gift that we can give ourselves 🙂

  50. Christina Aliperti Reply

    I need to take better care of my skin. I notice some changes and I want to try to prevent my skin from aging fast.

  51. I used to neglect my skin in my 20’s and I think I am now paying the price of that neglect. I now have a dull complexion and have some warts. I sure hope it is not too late to start caring for my skin so I can fend off skin aging and other skin woes. I have tried these products before and I really loved it. I prefer the blue one, though.

  52. I am a Myra E fan and I would definitely give this a try. Since I am now using cosmetics and is working on an afternoon shift, I should take care of my skin more. Thanks for the info!

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